If you want to discuss anything you’ve read here on my website, or saw on my youtube channel, or if you want to share images you’ve created using any of my techniques or presets, then I’ve started a new Facebook Group just for that. If you use either of these applications, then check out my range of custom made Looks in the form of presets for Lightroom, and Styles for Capture One. If you’d rather not use Patreon, but still want to say thanks or help, then you can feed my caffeine habit and buy me a coffee via PayPal with a one off donation to my PayPal tip jar. Check out my Patreon Page for more details, and a big thanks to everyone already supporting this blog on Patreon. There are a number of options available with different rewards, such as behind the scenes content, special Patreon only videos and more. If you like what you see here and you find this useful, then you can help support this blog and help me keep making great content like this by supporting me on Patreon for as little as $1 a month. You can add a bigger or smaller border, or just create a single square template. You can also customise this to your hearts content. It looks complicated when written out in a list of instructions like this, but it’s actually simple enough to do, and once you have the templates set up its a cinch. Just remember that you will have to select differently oriented image separately and use the other template. Just shift select them from the film strip at the bottom of the print module (or select them in the library before switching to the print module).

You can actually export multiple images at once using this technique. You should get a preview in the print module, and then just select “Print to File” from the bottom right of the interface to export. Now all you gave to do is select an image that you want to export, and then select the correct template.

You should then repeat these steps but change the orientation in the Page Setup dialog to create a vertical oriented template and save that too. (You can also create a new group if you want), and call it something like Instagram Horizontal. From the Template Browser (on the left hand side of the print module) click the + button to create a new template. The example I’m using here is on a Mac, and so the layout of the dialog boxes might be a little different on Windows, but the tools should be the same. You don’t actually need to have a printer attached for this to work. Now we need to create a custom page size. Go to the print module and at the bottom left of the screen, click on Page Setup. The first thing you need to do is set up a custom page size. It’s actually quite easy, but just involves a little bit of setup first. This way you can use the Lightroom Print Module to lay out your images within a frame, and then save to a Jpeg file that you can use elsewhere, or even re-import back into Lightroom if you want.įor the purposes of Instagram, You can use the print module to create a 5X4 frame and have your image fit within that. The print module is actually a basic layout tool inside of Lightroom, and it has one very useful feature that can often be overlooked: the ability to print to a file. There is, and it involves using the Print Module. This is quite common, and I recently got a question from a reader asking if there was a way to do this from within Lightroom. Another popular option is to fame your image in its default format inside a white frame that fits on Instagram. There are many ways around this, such as cropping to the right ratio and making special instagram versions. Instagram uses 5X4 (or 4X5) as the ratio for images posted to the platform, but most cameras shoot 6X4.

If you post on Instagram, I’m sure you’ve come across the problem of getting your images to fit within the Instagram aspect ration.